CRank: 5Score: 49820

Jet Force Gemini 2 along with another Conker to go along with another Banjo beyond the up-coming one would be just about perfect for me...

I bet another Killer Instinct 3 and perfect dark game will also be coming along...

Banjo 4 and Gears 3 for launch on the next XBOX in 10' 0r 11',sounds about right...

5867d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

A question to anyone in the know....

Will their be any levels/sets/maps, that are not just in an "industry type" location? I would hope their will be some diversity. From what they have shown,it looks great,but I am hoping for more non generic settings.

5870d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts or Fable II, could be the TBA spots?

But might it be the rumored motion-controller? Maybe the next Bungie project? If so I would hope it would be some new quirky action/adventure platformer, something fresh,creative,stylish.

We already know Halo 4 will be coming down the road,so some totally new IP would be frosting on the cake...

Plus I think Halo 4 will lie low for now,and allow Gears 2 to have the stage front and ...

5875d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just knew this darling of a lil' company would come through in the end....

I mean otherwise they would have had to re-name the game to "Littlebigcontinent:....J K...

That a way to go Media molecule....

5876d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"LittleBigContinent" ....

Common MM,fix this issue please...

5877d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


***** Word is it will hit on May 25th of 09'....*****

You know the eye candy will be top notch.I am most looking forward to hearing about the extra intelligent A.I. the game will get,along with all the extra gameplay we get with some advanced physics they can now use with the PS3's power....

5880d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The jury is still out for me. I need to see the details,the exact premise of the game...

As of now it seems generic,like it would be "Meh",boring,generic . The little we have seen looks good of course,but nothing that makes me want to go "WOW"...

When I see LBP,Gears 2,Killzone 2,Fable 2,GOW 3 etc,etc... I get those games right off the bat.I know I want them now! I am sold on them without doubt. This game needs to show me,and I certanly hope i...

5880d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment


I did read this.

As I mentioned "I wish" they would have stealth.I anticipate this to be a good gme,possibly a great one,I hope so.

I look forward to hearing more about the "detective aspect" of the game. And the gadgets,just how and when we can use them.

5885d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Won't be at the GC???......Well then why did the USK already rate the Games Convention trailer?

5885d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes it does look good,a nice style and color pallette...

However I wish their was a stealth "option". Stealth adds depth IMO. I like having choices,fight it out,or at times use a "stealth approach.

I hope it's not just a "beat Em' up",or hack and slash fest. Gameplay more like Gears 2 or Killzone 2 is more to my liking... I like the "stop and pop" shooting options where you can hide behind objects like Gears and Uncharted 2, or ...

5885d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I like the way you think...You got some good taste....Bubbles for you...

5887d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Jax 4 would be great. Best situation is that they show us "both" Jax 4 and Uncharted 2....How sweet would that be....

LBP....Use you're own HDD images? Liquids? Gravity? I sure cannot wait to hear what more they have up their sleeves...

5887d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Extended look into the big hitters this Fall,like.......

Gears 2
Banjo NAB
Fable 2
Prince of Persia


Plus show us new exclusives please!!! Like the game the BBC reporter talked abou a couple Months ago....

And give us more on multi-plat games like Beyond good and evil 2,Resident evil 5 etc,etc...

Trico will probably only be shown at TGS,but you can still hope for a little something? Yup,...

5887d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

3rd person with 1st person option. Having both as integral components for various options is best.Depending on certain situations either 3rd or 1st will be called for....

Shaken and stirred,best of both Worlds....

5887d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I need details please, about importing content from your HDD to use in the game, like file formats and size,resolution...Is this in,or do we only get the PS eye option?

Will their be gravity and liquids,liquids,and more liquids?

5891d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My take on the article is that once the "Banjo 3" dev team finish Banjo 3 they will sit back for a couple months and "wait and see" just how well or not "quite so well" Banjo 3 does....

Once they get a good read somewhere in january 09' they will then decide on which IP to move to next....Banjo 4 or kameo 2? It all hinges on Banjo 3's sales...

5891d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As an artist in the industry, this was the most intruiging possibility for me, to be able to create your own totally unique experience. Use HIREZ textures on my hardrive,Unique ones,not recyled ones.

Import an image directly from your hard drive is what I want MM.....

The MM team really listens to the community. Please take a couple minutes and write a polite request to the team asking for this feature........

[email protected]

5892d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I feel the same....

This limit's the abilities of the hardcore designer that may want to make original creative artistic levels....I am interested in hardcore artistic aspects and attention to detail. I sure hope MM fix this...

You can take shots from you're monitor of textures etc,etc...with the PS eye, but...... What resoulution do you get? I amagibe very low?

5892d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I feel the same.

At this point my hopes are that we will see something at TGS.Most probably just some concept art and the actual discription of the game.A sequel? A whole new World? A spin off within the "ICO World"? We shall see,I sure will keep my fingers crossed for news at least by TGS.

The game seems to have late 09" written all over it. That sure would be some 09" Fall if it were to join God of War 3 a...

5894d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

OK Alex Evans and all the rest of you wonderful MM devs....

Liguids,liquids,and more liguids many forms....

A (Space warps) add on in the create panel....."Gravity & WIND"... It sure would add lots of depth, and many "new possibilities" in gameplay!

An extra "tool bar" where you can provide some additional tools for mesh creation such as.......bend,taper,twist modifiers....

beveled edges ...

5900d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment